Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, July 25, 2008

From PatriotPost here is a comment about the EPA's attempt to control everything.

Earlier this month, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated the EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), a complicated “cap and trade” system of regulating smog and soot. Holding that the EPA’s analysis was “fundamentally flawed,” the court said that the EPA must “re-do its analysis from the ground up.” At about the same time, the EPA issued a report containing its blueprint for reducing the output of greenhouse gases. This report, made necessary by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2007 decision that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, contains thousands of suggestions for regulating carbon emissions. In fact, it includes regulations on everything with an engine. It also includes regulations on buildings, hotels and retail establishments. Essentially, anything that emits carbon gets the EPA’s attention. The White House immediately repudiated the report.

This illustrates a fundamental problem with the EPA: It is overreaching, and it is doing so incompetently. Under the guise of environmental protection, it seeks to do what the Communists never could: totalitarian micromanagement of every aspect of our lives. Like the Communist central planners, however, the EPA bureaucrats are discovering that micromanaging the lives and the economic activity of Americans is far more difficult than their theories and models predict. Indeed, it simply will not work.

To avoid the inevitable damage to the economy and to our personal liberty that will surely result from the EPA’s efforts, we offer an alternative solution: abolish the EPA.

Under the EPA's proposed standards, everything in America would be in violation of their mandates for CO2 generation. I suspect that no one has told the EPA bureaucrats that each person emits about one kilogram of CO2 each day, or about a metric ton in a year. I feel confident that the EPA would not suggest active population control, but if they figure out that what a person eats marginally affects how much CO2 is produced, so they might enact diet requirements. Even though there is no scientific proof that man's CO2 emissions have a significant effect on climate, but rather there is a claim of scientific proof based on projections from computer models that have failed to predict what is happening now, the liberals/socialists/communists have seized on CO2 induced climate change as the means of achieving their goal of eliminating liberty.


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