Obama makes a lot of frightening remarks. Here is something he said back on July 2 that was not reported much in the press, since they are in the tank for Obama, and don't report many of the strange things he says.
As first developed by World Net Daily's Joseph Farah, the story is about what the candidate said in Colorado Springs on July 2nd:
We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
One feature of dictatorships is that the dictator usually has a private army of some type that is loyal to him, and is separate from the regular military. Roman Emperors had the Praetorian Guard. Hitler had the Brown Shirts, and later the SS. (Naomi Wolf used this criteria in her book explaining how President Bush is a fascist, though Bush's private army never materialized, and he does not appear to be preparing to cancel the election in November.) When Obama has his "Triumph of the Will" extravaganza in his acceptance speech at the football stadium in Denver, it will be a bad sign if his supporters carrying the signs are wearing brown shirts.
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