Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Barack Obama is concerned about the profit Exxon Mobil makes, and he has a solution. He will take the excess profits from all oil companiues and distribute the money to those who vote for him. Well, actually, he will give $500 to everyone. My qustion is, if that is a good idea, why not take the excess profits from all comapnies and distribute it to the population. (I assume he sill want to distribute money even to illegal aliens.) I wonder who gets to decide how much profit is OK and at what point profit becomes excessive.

Obama is a socialist. His default positions on all issues are to government control. His ideas would be very bad for the economy. His view on profit reminds me of the view of Prime Minister Nehru of India, who said profit is a dirty word, and that he didn't want to hear it. His socialist agenda hindered economic progress in India until he passed from the scene, and Indai adopted a more capitalistic approach. Obama wants to do for the US what Nehru did for Indai.

Anpther thing coming out this week that shows the true position of Democrats. Senator McConnell went onto the floor of the Senate and asked the Democrat Senators at what price of gasoline would they support more drilling. They said $10 per gallon would not be enough. So, the Democrats want to blame Bush for $10 per gallon gasoline, but at the same time, would like to see a much higher price. If Obama and the Democrats continue to show their truw socialist leanings, it will be interesting to see if the nation is ready for socialism. I hope the Democrats continue, becasue politicians should tell the people what they actually intend to do, rather than telling them what polling indicates the people want to hear.


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