Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here is a good round up of the Anthropogenic Global Warming situation.

Al Gore and his friends like to use the analogy of the flat earth believers in the time of Galileo, with those scientists who do not believe in catastrophic AGW in the role of the supporters of a flat earth hypothesis. I think the analogy is good, except that Al Gore and his friends in the IPCC are in the role of the Catholic Church in resisting the notion that the earth is the center of the universe. If one reads history one finds that there were few scientists not controlled by the Catholic Church who believed the earth was flat. In fact non-scientists like Columbus knew that the earth was round. The IPCC uses political and economic power to squelch dissent similar to what the Catholic Church did, and demonizes those who disagree with them as kooks or crooks in the pay of oil companies.


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