Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama and the Democrats say that America is in terrible economic times, as bad as the Great Depression during the 1930's. (I remember those days, and can tell you that those claims are ridiculous.) I see Democrats on TV talking about how the income of the middle class hasn't gone up in recent years even though gasoline and electricity costs more and home prices are down. (To the extent that this is true, the blame is arguably more the fault of Democrats than Republicans since they are the ones who have prevented development of energy and they caused lenders to make bad home loans.) People in America need to look at what is happening in Great Britain. Everything that is supposedly bad here is many times worse in Great Britain. What is interesting to me is that the policies that the socialistic Democrats in America are proposing are the same energy and regulatory policies that the socialistic Labor party has pursued in Great Britain, and which have not worked out less well than what has happened in America recently. The country in Europe that is doing well economically is Ireland, the country that has aggressively reduced taxes.


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