There are several reasons why I'm glad that McCain picked Sarah Palin for his running mate. One is that it is probably the best chance McCain has to defeat the socialist Obama. But, one of the main reasons is that her candidacy will force the feminists to reveal that they are not about promoting women, but are rather for advancing the socialist agenda. I'm not surprised that others see the same thing, including the insightful Englishman Peter Hitchens.
Here are his comments:
Why the sisters will be gunning for Palin
Watch as the ultra-feminist sisterhood back away in horror from Sarah Palin, John McCain's new running mate.
Mrs Palin is technically female, but she's enthusiastically married, hates abortion and thinks criminals should not be the only people allowed to own guns. She's everything Hillary Clinton isn't. In short, she's the wrong kind of woman.
(I couln't copy the photo; it shows Palin with an M-16)
Gun-ho: Governor Sarah Palin gets on the range in Kuwait in 2007
Which just goes to show that ultra-feminists are not actually interested in promoting women because they're women. They pretend they are, but really their agenda is a campaign against marriage, in favour of abortion and for every other disastrous liberal and socialist cause that ever existed. In which case, they really can't go on pretending that their opponents are women-hating bigots.
Not least because they are the bigots - merciless when it comes to a choice between their own convenience and the life of an unborn baby.
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