It is alleged that Governor Palin ordered a police commissioner to fire a state trooper because he was in a bitter divorce from her sister. The commissioner refused, do she fired him. I don't know about any of that. What is known, and is not disputed is that the trooper tasered his ten year old stepson. As far as I am concerned that is ample reason for firing the trooper. And, refusing to fire a trooper who tasered a ten year old is enough reason to fire the police commissioner in my opinion. (The trooper also has a drinking problem, and that would be enough for me to fire him, but I suppose our society would give him another chance on that. My opinion is that policemen, airline pilots, train engineers, bus drivers, truck drivers, etc. should not be given a second chance if they show up at work under the influence.) I wonder why the Democrats think they can make something out of this. I guess they would rather investigate Palin than why Jamie Gorelick, one who had no experience in the mortgage industry, was paid so much at Fannie Mae.
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