Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, March 02, 2009

Obama is a truly scary guy to me. He appears to have delusions of grandeur, something like Hugo Chavez. I remember the speech he made in which he said he is going to (and I paraphrase) cure illness, bring peace to the world, and stop the rise of the seas. He seems to think he is a god. Here is something on this subject that I picked up from the blog neo neocon:

One of the most chilling quotes from Obama that I’ve ever read is this one, reported by Fred Barnes recently:

When Barack Obama met with TV anchors at a White House lunch last week, he assured them he likes being president. “And it turns out I’m very good at it,” he added.

Let that one sink in for a moment. President for only a little over a month and he’s “very good at it.” The stock market falling every day (as I write this, it’s in the 6800s) and he’s “very good at it.”

Confidence is one thing. Untrammeled, unashamed hubris is another. The worrisome signs have been there from the start with Obama.

Remember this McCain campaign ad? It seems like a long time ago, but it bears repeating (note especially the brief exchange at :29 in which the interviewer asks Obama “Do you ever have any doubts?” and he responds with a firm and chilling “Never”):

I wonder how we should refer to Obama? King? His Royal Highness? Maybe one of the oldies but goodies like il Duce.

Dr. Sanity has some suggestions that sound good. I forgot "Emperor." And Darth Obama sounds good.

Here is the Dr. Sanity comment, whcih actually treats Obama's dishonesty.


No, he didn't invent dishonesty in political discourse, but he certainly has a real talent for it:
Barack Obama just added double-dealing to his foreign policy repertoire. On Friday, administration officials led many Jewish leaders to believe that the president had decided to boycott the United Nation's "anti-racism" conference known as Durban II. At the same time, however, human rights organizations were being led to believe that the administration was not pulling out and was looking for a way to "re-engage."

Obama seems to want to have it both ways on everything and is talking out of both sides of his mouth both on national and foregn policy. It increasingly obvious that he is more interested in appearing to do the right thing, than actually doing the right thing.

I'm really beginning to dislike this guy.

He's disingenuous, manipulative, and rhetorically duplicitous. The amount of damage to this country that this destructive con man could do in 4 years is incalculable. Look at what he's done in a mere six weeks....If the sickening adoration continues at the same accelerated pace it has reached since the inauguration, soon Darth Obama will declare himself Emperor of the known universe.

"So this is how liberty thunderous applause." - Star Wars, Episode III

It has been difficult for me to understand why 77% of Jews voted for a person that detests Israel. There is something about it that I don't understand. I think Israeli's were about the only people in the world the majority of whom were not for Obama. Maybe American Jews don't like Israel.


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