Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Obama plans on implementing central planning in all aspects of American Life. The current budget has provisions that will force Doctors to perform abortions regardless of their personal convictions. The healthcare provisions also are going to let government bureaucrats decide who is to receive treatment and who isn't. Tom Daschle fashioned the plan, and would have gotten the job as health czar to implement it had he bothered to pay his income tax. Daschle observes that a large portion of the money spent on healthcare is spent in the last six months of life of people who have little chance of improvement. If those people would just die without treatment, much less money would be spent on helthcare. The particular individuals involved may not be so altruistic as Mr. Daschle, and may decide that they would prefer to spend money on treatment in hope that, against the odds, they might improve. I read that one of the states in the Pacific Northwest, either Washington or Oregon, already has such a plan. When they send a person the letter denying treatment, they also point out that the state will pay for assisted suicide. That is very thoughtful of them. Obama will first have to set up the data base medical file on all Americans, and then do a study to determine what the odds of survival are for various situations. This will take six or eight years, so I may not live long enough to be affected. Here is an article on Obama's (Actually Daschle's) plan to nationalize life and death.


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