Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, March 06, 2009

The movie star Brad Pitt is involved in building housing in New Orleans to replace those lost in hurricane Katrina. Powerline reports that he had a meeting with Nancy Pelosi to discuss the project. In their discussion they talk about the utility costs of the houses being $10 per month. Apparently neither one of them has a clue as to what utilities actually cost.

This whole Katrina thing has me mystified. For one thing, why rebuild houses in a place that is 15 to 20 feet below sea level in a hurricane prone location? Hurricane Ike last year wiped out Bolivar Peninsula in Texas; almost all structures were just swept away. No one seems to be concerned about rebuilding the towns on Bolivar, I suppose because almost all of the people who lived there were white. It is pretty much assumed that white people can take care of themselves.


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