Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The CIA made a serious effort to defeat President Bush in the 2004 election. I have discussed that with a lot of people, and most do not believe it. Here is an article on this matter by Jack Kelly. Something that I suspect will surprise most people is the quote from a former agent who says he never met a Republican in the CIA. Kelly discusses how Obama and the Democrats have demoralized the CIA. I like the comment from the French agent that it is no longer a question of barbarians at the gates, but Obama has told the barbarians that there are no gates.

(By the way, the Dr. Jack Wheeler mentioned by Kelly is an adventurer who worked for Reagan, and is sometimes creditied with being the author of Reagan's plan to defeat the Soviet Union with "Star Wars." I don't know much about him except that he is an Indiana Jones type adventurer, is a conservative, and is roundly disliked by Liberals. Many of them were really distressed by the fall of the Soviet Union, and they hold a grudge.)


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