Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back during the Bush Administration there were claims that research supporting global warming was being suppressed. Not much proof of that ever showed up. Recently Joanne Simpson retired from EPA and said she was glad she could finally speak her mind about global warming, and it turns out she is something of a skeptic. James Hansen claimed he was being censored but his travels around the world with his message of impending doom continued unabated. At the same time, there was evidence that Al Gore had censored scientists during the Clinton Administration. As I recall Roy Spencer left NASA because he was censored. Now we find that the Obama Administration is suppressing EPA reports that do not support the Global Warming Hypothesis. This is no surprise. The Democrats actually say that they are doing what they want to do, and it doesn't matter whether or not burning fossil fuels harms the environment. Once again we find that Obama lied when he said he would have the most transparent Administration in history, and that he would restore science to its proper place. Apparently that place is to support his policy positions regardless of the physics.


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