Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama is trying to implement energy policies in the US that will destroy the economy. He seems to pay no attention to the European nations that bought into the global warming scam before the US. Here is a discussion on how well carbon cap and trade has worked in Germany. Germany has also attempted to get a lot of "green" energy with wind turbines. But, they have found that the wind doesn't blow when they really need power, so they have had to maintain their conventional fossil fuel power plants.

Great Britain has attempted to implement "renewable" energy, which is mostly supplied by wind turbines. They have foolishly allowed their fossil fuel and nuclear power plants to be scheduled to go out of service, apparently unaware of Germany's experience. But the wind turbines are not coming along as planned, so they are beginning to experience brownouts, and face blackouts before they can get new conventional power plants on line. Here is an article detailing Great Britain's sad story.

There is no indication that Obama or the Democrats in Congress are learning anything from Europe's experience with "green" energy.


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