Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The governments of the developed nations have decided to implement draconian measures to stop burning of fossil fuels that will reduce the standard of living of their citizens. They base the need for these actions on general circulation models that are thought to accurately represent the climate of the world. Many think that the politicians do not necessarily believe that the models are accurate, but rather that they have a hidden agenda of creating a socialistic world government. The reason for this suspicion is the comments to that effect made by supporters of the global warming hypothesis such as Al Gore and Maurice Strong. Dr. Roy Spencer has written a piece describing the challenges associated with modeling the earth's climate. I have written about these challenges before about this issue, but this article does a better job of describing the models used and points out the difficulty in modeling the hydrological cycle which is a major factor in the earth's climate. Dr. Spencer is regarded as a global warming skeptic. Recently he was savaged with an ad hominem attack by Senator Boxer when he was testifying before the Senate. Senator Boxer is well known for her brilliant intellect and pleasant demeanor.


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