Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, March 19, 2007

Yesterday I read in the Miss Carnivorous blog something about planting trees to generate "carbon" credits. Today my forester called me to tell me about an offer to buy carbon credits. Apparently you can sell carbon credits for trees planted on previously open land as far back as 1990. You get carbon credits based on the age of the trees. I inferred from the rate trees grow and the number of credits given that each credit represents one ton of carbon. That sounds reasonable. The credits are worth $4 each at present. Apparently I could sell the 17 years worth of carbon credits for trees that I planted in 1990 for about $300 per acre. Somehow this doesn't make much sense to me. I suppose it makes sense to Al Gore. Like everything about Al Gore, it seems ridiculous. What if, as I suspect, global warming is not being driven by increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere? Probably some promoters will get rich anyway.


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