Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Here is a site that has a history of Islam.

Islam is a scary religion to me. Our President and many others refer to Islam as "a Religion of Peace." They seem to call themselves "the Religion of Peace' like other religions have no legitimacy. As far as I can tell, there is not much about Islam that is peaceful. It mostly talks about killing or subjugating all non-believers. Islam is as much a political system as a religion, something that makes it extremely dangerous for a country like the US that guarantees freedon of religion since this makes it easier to sneak in the political aspects. The liberals seem particularly vulnerable to demands for special treatment for Muslims; concessions that they would agressively resist if requested by Christians. These requested concessions include things like teaching Islam in public schools, special arrangements and facilities for Muslims prayers, etc.


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