The latest climate news is that the "hottest" year on record is now 1934 rather than 1998. It seems that there was a "software" glitch that caused the error. The same guy who found the error in the "Mann hockeystick" found this error. As in the previous case, it was difficult to get information from the global warming advocate (in this case the famous Dr. James Hansen, the man who goes on TV at every opportunity to say Bush has silenced him) about how the temperature was computed. It is odd to me that the global waming advocate scientists won't give their data or methods to other investigators. This is odd behavior for scientists, who usually publish all their data, not just their conclusions. That is one reason to doubt the global warming hysteria. Al Gore says the issue has been settled. I wonder when the free and open debate happened. Apparently only true believers were invited. At any rate, here is the NASA's new ranking of the hottest years; 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938, 1939. Do you see a trend in that data? From what I've observed so far, 2007 is not going to be a hot year. I think that there is no doubt that man has had significant impact on climate through the centuries. I'm sure Hansen and friends are massaging the data to give Al Gore more ammunition for his attempt to put the world under control of United Nation bureaucrats. Even if I thought CO2 emissions were a significant threat to mankind, I'd be opposed to the vision of Gore, Hansen, and the IPCC. They are fascists who want state control of everything.
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