Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, September 17, 2007

There is a lot of news today about Hillary Clinton's call for health insurance for the 47 million uninsured Americans. According to what I've read, the 47 million number includes the 10 to 20 million illegal aliens. To Democrats they are Americans, and should be allowed to vote, and should have health care paid for by Americans. I wonder how she intends to make people who are here illegally and operate in a shadow economy purchase health insurance? Those 47 million people, including the illegals, may not have health insurance, but they do have access to medical care. They simply have to wait in line longer than the rest of us. Like a few hours until they get proper care. People in socialist countries like Canada and England have to wait many weeks before that get the care they need. I recently saw a study that said health care in the US was terrible; no universal health care and lot of other subjective things were judged as bad in the US. The US was number one in only one area; getting "right" care. In other words in the US there is a better chance that you get the health care you need in a timely fashion. That's all that matters. The rest of that stuff is eyewash that only bureaucrats from collectivist nations would care about.


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