Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Rush Limbaugh "phony soldier" story is really curious to me. I don't listen to talk radio, so I never hear Limbaugh. But I listened to a clip of the Limbaugh show that included the "phony soldier" discussion. It was clear that Limbaugh was not calling soldiers who didn't agree with the war phonies. I thought it was interesting that John Kerry and Tom Harkin are criticizing Limbaugh over this. Kerry's "winter soldier" testimony to Congress during the Vietnam War involved a lot of people who truly were phonies in the sense that the stories they told were untrue, and some had never been to Vietnam. Harkin claimed to have flown combat missions in Vietnam, something he had not done though he was a military pilot. I wonder about the Democrats and the public; are the Democrats correct in their assumption that people will take them at their word without investigating for themselves? If they really believe that then it is no doubt because the MSM will use their talking points without criticism.


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