Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I remember watching the scaremonger Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. rant and rave about how mercury in childhood vaccines was causing autism in children. As usual, he was rude and ugly to people who disagreed with him. It turns out he was wrong, as indicated by a recently completed study:;_ylt=As8.mnmJZVBekbHXUCb6ziKs0NUE

Mr. Kenedy was successful in getting the preservative Thimerosal, which contains mercury, removed from childhood vaccines in 2001. The study shows that the rate of autism in California children has continued to increase even though there is no longer mercury in childhood vaccinations.

I don't expect Mr. Kennedy to apologize any time soon.

More recently Mr. Kennedy has been ranting and raving about global warming. He has suggested dire consequences for those who disagree with him. I wonder what he thinks about 2007 being the coolest year of the 21st century, something not possible according to the IPCC climate models?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think he thinks too much about anything, except of course the fastest sound-byte that will get his mug in the news as quickly as possible.

Sad state for a scion of past prosperity and potential.

Sad indeed.

4:47 PM  

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