For some reason reporters from the West do not report on what the Islamic terrorists have to say about their plans, such as take control of America, kill gays, restrict rights of women, etc. The terrorists make no secret of their plans, but it is not politically correct for reporters to write about it in the West. One error commonly made by Western reporters is the idea that poverty is what motivates suicide bombers. Actually, it would be a sin for Muslims to kill themselves if poverty was their motivation. Suicide attacks seem to have originated with Muslims during the Crusades. The Persian Hassan, known as the "Old Man of the Mountain" perfected suicide attacks against Crusaders, and others he didn't like, back in the 11th century. Sucide attackers didn't have bombs in those days; the attacker would simply walk up to a prominent person and stab him, even though the bodyguards would surely immediately cut down the attacker. Hassan's followers were known as aschishin, which translates as followers of Hassan, and aschinshin is most likely the root of the English word assassin. According to accounts by Marco Polo, Hassan drugged younng men and had them wake up in a garden where there were a lot of beautiful women and lots of wine. After a few hours they were drugged again, and when they woke up Hassan told them that they had had a glimpse of Paradise, and if they died in his service they would immediately be transported back to Paradise. I suspect this is the basis for the claim of 72 virgins in Paradise for suicide attackers.
Here is an article about a book based on interviews of prominent Islamic terrorists.
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