Here is a question regarding health care that everyone should think about. I got this from "Coyote Blog:"
My Health Care Poll Question
I was going back through my archives and I found a health care poll question I suggested about a year ago that I would still love to see asked. I believe it accurately reflects the reality that most middle class Americans face with various universal health care plans:
Would you support a system of government-run universal health care that guaranteed health care access for all Americans, but would result in you personally getting inferior care than you get today in terms of longer wait times, more limited doctor choices, and with a higher probabilities of the government denying you certain procedures or medicines you have access to today.
I have said a number of times that health care is not like failed Great Society housing programs. In those housing programs, only the poor got crappy government housing -- the rest of us kept what we had. Universal health care is different, because it will effectively be like forcing everyone to move into the housing projects.
I have good healthcare now, and it is quite likely that my care under a government-run plan will not be as good. On the other hand, the care for the uninsured will not change. As is usual in socialistic and communistic programs, the idea is to make everyone equally bad off. (Actually, if we use the British NHS as an example, the uninsured in America get better healthcare in a more timely manner, so healthcare for the uninsured could also decline.)
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