Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, March 03, 2008

Yesterday was March 2, the day in 1836 when Texas declared independence from Mexico. When I was a boy that was a school holiday. Now it passes unnoticed, and we celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday that is celebrated more in the United States than in Mexico. American businesses saw commercial advantage in the holiday, and promoted it. The event being celebrated is the victory of a Mexican army over a much larger French army at the battle of Puebla in 1862. (The French had taken the opportunity of the American Civil War to invade Mexico.) One interesting aspect, the leader of the Mexicans at Puebla, General Ignacio Sequin Zaragoza, was born in Goliad, Texas, and was a cousin of Col. Juan Sequin, a hero of the Texas war of independence from Mexico.


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