Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hollywood liberals have released a new movie depicting how, in their view, the 2000 election was stolen from Al Gore by a partisan US Supreme Court. Nevermind that Bush actually got more votes, and that a partisan Florida Supreme Court attempted to help Gore steal the election. (Democrats have trouble grasping that, given that Bush had more votes, he could not be termed to have stolen the electio. Similarly, if Gore had succeeded in his attempts manipulate the vote count, he would have actually stolen the election.) After the votes were counted, Gore was told by his pollsters that his only chance at winning was to have a re-count in heavily Democrat precincts that were controlled by Democrats. A statewide recount would not do the job since the Republican controlled districts could be as creative as the Democrats in conducting the recount. Normally a limited recount is done when there is evidence of fraud in particular precincts; in this case the Democrats wanted a recount in areas they controlled, and in which there were no allegations of fraud. The Florida Supreme Court said that the limited recount would be OK. The US Supreme Court said no, there was no indication of fraud in the precints where Democrats had been in charge, so the recount could not be limited to those areas. This is the action that Democrats say "stole" the election from Gore. After the election was over several news agencies recounted all of the Florida votes with the result that Bush had the most votes. Gore could only win if some creative techniques were used, such as devining what the voter actually intended on spoiled ballots. Even that approach required the counter to determine that certain types of errors like a pregnnt chad was a vote for Gore, but a similar mark for Bush was not a vote. So, this is an attempt by certain liberals to re-write history. It may work. After all, the Domcrat's "Big Lie" technique has convinced much of the public that Gore was cheated even though in reality he was the cheater.


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