It appears that Irish voters have rejected the new EU Constitution. Under the rules all 27 nations in the EU must approve the Constitution for it to go into effect. Much has been made that Ireland only has 1% of the population of the EU, and so the Irish voters rejected the Constitution for the 99% of the population. To me the curious thing was that Ireland was the only country to put it to a vote. The other 26 countries had it approved by their legislatures. From what I have read it is likely that if other countries had been allowed to vote on the issue, it would have been trounced. The EU seems to be structured so that unelected bureaucrats can make laws without having to face the voters, a most undemocratic system. But then, the Europeans are not much in favor of democracy. They still like kings and dictators. Liberals in the USA also seem to like the idea of a super government that is not responsible to voters. They favor things like the UN's effort to take over the economies of the world with the IPCC Anthropogenic Global Warming scare. I expect a President Obama will try to cede more power over the US to the UN.
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