Here is a blog on oil drilling by "Cheat Seeking Missiles." The Democrat leader's position infuriates me. They demonstrate over and over again that they are willing to destroy the economy of the country to stay in power. The one year to market estimate for drilling off of California seems right to me. If the Brazilians can do it in 18 months a year should be right for us.
July 15th 2008
Dem Position Weakens As Oil Feud Ratchets Up
Posted by: Laer at 12:54 pm
Ever since the great drilling debate was launched, I’ve wondered why President Bush linked lifting the federal executive orders banning offshore drilling to Congress lifting its own drilling bans. It was a ridiculous position strategically, and it’s good that Bush is not so stubborn that he refused to change his tactics.
Now that he’s scratched the executive orders, all eyes are on Congress, where Bush should have directed them in the first place. (Is this really that hard to figure out?!)
From this a.m.’s WSJ, we see the Obama response to Bush’s call for expanded drilling:
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said that if lifting the moratorium on offshore exploration “would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration, regardless of the risks. But most experts, even within the Bush administration, concede it would do neither.” The White House said Mr. Bush’s proposals would take years to have their full impact.
So? Let’s ask the obvious unasked question: How do oil’s years-to-market compare to the number of years it’ll take to get the ramshackle gaggle of alternative energies to make as big a contribution? No one’s guessing; but anyone with any critical capacity at all can and should question the Dem supposition that it’ll take capitalists sniffing money 10 years to stuff their pockets with bucks from new oil sales.
How about one year instead? Sound more realistic? From the same article:
A Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. analyst said in a report there is a lot of offshore crude that can be produced relatively quickly. The problem: It is located off California, where politicians have built careers opposing new drilling.
The Minerals Management Service said that of the estimated 18 billion barrels of oil in off-limits coastal areas, almost 10 billion are off the coast of California.
“California could actually start producing new oil within a year if the moratorium were lifted,” the Sanford C. Bernstein report said, because the oil is under shallow water, has been explored and drilling platforms have been there since before the moratoria. (emphasis added)
One year! That would generate instantaneous downward price pressure on the oil futures market and would quickly impact the price at the pump.
So what did Obama’s Chicago hack politics buddy and DNC dirty work king Rahm Emanuel have to say about all this?
“I’ve been in Washington long enough to know a political stunt when I see one.”
And I know a political party trying desperately to appease its environmentalist, anti-corporate, elitist special interests when I see one.
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