The IPCC is a political rather than a scientific body, and is as corrupt as its parent, the UN.
Here is a discussion of how the IPCC operates, and publishes data that it knows are not correct. The IPCC gets away with its fakery because they do not provide data to reviewers and in many cases never publish much of the data so it is not available for review. This is not the way science is done; science requires that information be shared so others can validate results. The following is a good review of the deception that was involved with the Mann Hockeystick curve that the UN used to purportedly show that CO2 is causing a dramatic increase in the earth’s temperature without a lot of the math involved in statistical analysis.
Take time to read about the corruption of the IPCC. You may be uninterested; like the politicians say, the deception is water under the bridge, and it is time to move on. But it is worth the time to read about the decpetion that is the IPCC. But then, by the time the public figures out that there is no scientific basis for the catastrophic global warming hypothesis the current politicians will have retired and the mischief that they have caused will be water under the bridge.
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