Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

We don't like to face the facts, but the United States is a moderately socialistic country. I think McCain as President would push the country more toward socialism. I don't like it, but it is inevitable as the leaders of the country have deliberately invited in people who are inherently socialists to become citizens. (This is the only possible outcome now since most people in the world are socialists of some sort; most of those for individual rights came to America in the past.) I favor McCain as President because I would like to see the country avoid either the Fabian socialism of England or the fascist socialism represented by Obama and liberal Democrats. (The difference between the liberal Democrats and Mussolini's fascism is that he was a nationalist while they are internationalists, but in terms of the command economy, regulation of everyday life, etc. the two are the same.)


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