I agree with Jerry Pournelle about what it takes to have a successful society.
JERRY POURNELLE: “The way out of our economic problems is increased production. It’s a lot easier to divide up a big pie than a small pie. . . . There are two keys to increased productivity: low energy prices, and a well educated work force imbued with a work ethic. Eliminate either and you have a society either unable or unwilling to meet the demands of the non-productive (which includes both the deserving poor and the undeserving poor as well as those ‘employed’ in ‘jobs’ that consume but add nothing to the goods available for distribution). When energy prices and/or appropriate education are threatened, it’s rather difficult to have a positive reaction.”
The Obama plan, according to what he has said, is to adopt a green energy policy that will dramatically increase the cost of energy. That is going to have a negative impact on our standard of living. I also have doubts that his education plan will work out either, though exactly what he plans to do in that arena is less clear. In our politically correct society I don't think either political party has the will to impose the discipline in schools that is needed to turn our education system around..
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