Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

There is a civil war going on in Mexico, with the drug cartels having as many soldiers as the Mexican army. In response to this violence on the border, the Obama Administration wants to restrict gun ownership in the US. They have an agenda, and they use any excuse, no matter how obscure, to justify action.


Blogger Navigator said...

You are using Blogger, as I do. If you want to put in a link, then

1.go to the website you want to link to and copy the URL from the browser (right clicking it and selecting (left click) "copy" from the drop down menu).

2.Then go back to your blog and highlight (select) a word or words that will end up being the linking words (different colour and underlined) in your text when the link is perfected by blogger.

3. Go to your blogger tool bar at the top of your comment box and left click the funny looking green thing (it looks like frog to me but I think it is supposed be a chain). This will activate the URL entry box where you want to paste the URL you copied.

4. If you have security software, as I do, it may prevent the URL entry box from appearing. You should see instructions at the top of your screen telling you to allow the pop up on this occasion. You left click that and it may send you back to your blog entry box where you will have left click the green icon again.

5. This time the URL entry box should appear and you be asked to enter the URL of the site you are linking to. Put your cursor on the box and right click -- select "paste" (left click it) -- the URL will appear in the box. Double check it to make sure it doesn't have two http:// addresses. If it does, get rid of one of them.

6 Then go to View Blog and when your post appears click on the link to see if it worked. If it didn't you may have to repeat the steps with more care.

It sounds like a lot of work, but once you get onto it and do it a few times, it works pretty quickly. I do wish you would master this because you often list interesting websites that would nice to go to by a simple link.

6:10 PM  

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