I hear in the news that the Department of Homeland Security is beginning to focus on right-wing groups. Democrats have always thought that right-wing groups are more of a threat than Islamist terrorists. This is curious to me. I don't recall any right wing terrorist attacks during the Bush years. There was one during the Clinton years. In that case, according to what I heard in the News, there was a middle-eastern looking man, identified by some as an Iraqi soldier, who was with McVeigh when he parked the pick-up loaded with explosives. He has never been found, and Clinton didn't seem to want to find him. Democrats just want to demonise and criminalize those who disagree with them. This is a dangerous policy that promotes civil war.
Here is an example of the type of domestic terror attacks that happen (this on was in Great Britain, but is similar to attacks that happen frequently in California). Wonder if they think that eco-terrorists are right-wingers? Or how about Acorn that has been conducting what amounts terror attacks.
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