I have long suspected that the supporters of the AGW hypothesis, who control the average global temperature data, have manipulated it to support their cause. The most egregious of these was NASA/GISS, no doubt heavily influenced by James Hansen. Their data was curious because, as is well documented, they kept adjusting past temperature down and current temperature up. Personally I have severe doubts about the validity of the temperature record and don’t think it reliable or accurate enough to prove anything. The only reliable data we have is from satellites, and that record only goes back to 1979, so is too short to prove anything. It does, however, indicate that temperature is now the same as in 1979, within the accuracy bounds of the data. Here is an examination of the temperature adjustments applied in the United States. This was done in Australia; apparently scientists in the US are too afraid of the government controlled scientific establishment to do such an analysis. (The Mann hockeystick fiasco, which I don’t believe any logical person would accept as fact, was proven to be in error by Canadians, for example.)
Personally, based on about 50 years of experience in heat transfer analysis, I have doubts that the record of the average of daily maximum and minimum temperatures at a specific locations could be used to prove anything in regards to global warming, but that is another fairly complicated issue.
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