Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite died last night. He was considered to be "the most trusted man in America." I didn't like or trust him. He was another example of a rich liberal who tended toward socialism. President Obama said today that Cronkite "told us what we needed to know." That was the problem. I can decide for myself what I need to know. I don't need a New York liberal to recite the liberal democrat talking points to me. (I know, Cronkite went to San Jacinto High School in Houston, and to the University of Texas, but he became a typical New York elite spending time sailing his yacht in Martha's Vineyard or some such high tone place.)

After writing the above, I read some blogs to see what other people thought about Walter Cronkite. Some of them didn't like him much either. Here are Ann Althouse's comments. Like Ann, I mostly watched the Huntley-Brinkley report. Maybe that was because, after he retired, it became obvious that Brinkley was a conservative.


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