The Democrats economic plans are not working out, and then there is Nancy Pelosi and her claims that the CIA lied to her, which appear to be untrue. So they fall back to their blame Bush policy. They are a "one-trick pony" in that whatever goes wrong, they blame Bush-Cheney. Now they are claiming that they weren't told about a program to send out CIA teams to track down and capture or kill al_Queda leaders. The program was never actually put into operation, and former CIA Director Tenant claims he killed the program five years ago. Now Obama's political hack Director Leon Panetta says he has killed the program. That should really put a stake through the heart of the program. Apparently the decision was made some time ago that a better approach was to use Predator drones carrying Hellfire missiles to eliminate the bad guys. I don't see much difference in sending out teams to kill those we don't like, and killing them with missiles fired from drones. One difference is that our guys are not at risk of being captured or killed. (We worry more about them being captured than killed.) On the other hand, it seems more likely that some innocent bystanders will be injured in the missile attack even though we make serious efforts to limit collateral damage. It appears that Obama has actually increased the number of such drone attacks compared to what was happening under Bush. This is another manufactured complaint. People unfamiliar with how defense agencies work may be unaware that studies of all sorts of contingency plans are worked all of the time. There are probably hundreds of such plans now being made for all sorts of contingencies. It would be very unwieldy to keep Congress current and up to date on all contingency plans. Until a decision is made to execute a plan, or Congress asks what is being done about a specific issue, Congress does not need to be informed.
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