Political Angst In America

Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

EPA Regulations

An interesting question that might be asked is why does the EPA promulgate regulations that are not based on cost benefit analyses, and in some instances are impossible to meet. (An example is the ozone level desired that is lower than the naturally occurring level in many places, such as in Marfa, Texas.) Why do they do that? The answer is that is in the same category as the "progressives" desire to criminalize all behavior. This gives the government the discretionary power to reward those who support them with "waivers" while they punish their opponents.

Wealth Redistribution

Liberals/communists/socialists/progressives all have one major policy goal, and that is redistribution of wealth. But it is different in socialist Europe than in sort of capitalist America. In Europe the redistribution they want is from rich Germany to poorer countries like Greece, Spain and Italy. So far the Germans don't seem to like the idea that their industrious citizens should pay for the Idlers in southern Europe. In the US the emphasis is on transfer from the "rich" citizens to the "poor." In the US the Democrats hope to entice a majority of citizens to vote themselves mor of the earnings ot the minority who are described as being "rich." That will probably work.