Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary Clinton says things have been terrible for Americans for the last six years under the rule of the incompetent George Bush. Dr. Sanity points out some of the things that have happened with the corrupt Republicans in power.

Let’s see, last time I checked,
1. The stock market is at an all-time high, thus
2. Retirement accounts are at last recovering.
3. Unemployment is at a 25-year low,
4. Taxes are at 20-year lows,
5. Federal revenues are at all-time highs,
6. The Federal deficit is down almost 50%,
7. Real estate values have soared,
8. Inflation is at a 20-year low,
9. There have been no successful attacks since 9/11,
10. Al Queda is being taken apart, one body at a time.
11. U.S. and British Intelligence have thwarted a number of attacks.
12. The terrorists are flocking to Iraq to be killed, instead of boarding planes for this country.

Hillary says that the middle class has suffered under Bush, but if she is elected people who work hard and follow the rules are going to do well. I recall when Bill Clinton ran saying he was going to reduce taxes on the middle class. But, he didn't do it, and instead raised taxes. My impression, after watching Democrats for a long time, is that Democrats don't like the middle class, and in fact under their scheme the middle class people who save their money for the future are suckers. People should not plan for the future, but instead shoild live it up while they are young and rely on the benevolent Democrats to take care of them in their old age. It is really unfair, for example, for middle class folks to save their money to pass it along to their children, and the Democrats will try to stop that practice. They talk about penalizing the rich, but the rich can afford to lobby or hire lawyers to blunt politicians efforts to loot their wealth, so they loot the middle class. (Both political parties do this, of course, but the Republicans are somewhat less into looting since they get most of their votes from the middle class.)


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