Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Mark Steyn, who is a Canadian commented on the Canadian lady giving birth to quadruplets in Great Falls, Montana. It is probably a joke, but Steyn comments that in Canad there is a 10 month waiting period for the maternity ward. I also a similar story about socialized medicine in Great Britain. In that case the lady was in the hospital, but couldn't get help from the staff, so her Mother helped her give birth. In that case the baby died. My guess is that reporters could come up with more anecdotal failures of medicine in socialist countries than in the US. If they wanted to. Given the liberal bias of the media it is doubtful that they want to. Sometimes reporters are motivated by the hope for professional recognition such as a Pultizer Prize, and will investigate something regarded as being politically correct. But it is doubtful that any rewards would be expected for revealing deficiencies in medical care in other countries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your point. However, I've experienced the medical system in both Britain and in the US for moderate surgeries. And I have to say.....the Brits are better. Ok, Ok, yes, our technology is advanced and state of the art, but the vast majority of us don't NEED that technology. We just need a standard apendectomy (which is what i got). In the case of moderate surgery in the US, I found the care was substantially less caring and much more expensive.

As for technology, there's an arguement to be made that we've gotten to the point that medicine is saving those who might be better dead. We can save a 26 week premature baby, but should we, if he's got cerebal palsy and spinabifida?

7:44 PM  

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