Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

John McCain is not really a consevative, despite what he says. He represents socialism-lite, which would seem to be better than the fascism of Hillary or the Marxism of Obama. Some argue that it might be better to elect Obama and let the public experience some of the "change" Obama represents, after which collectivism would be set back for a few decades. That sounds good, but we don't know how much damage Obama could do. I'm still afraid that we have another civil war in our future because, based on history, Marxist don't easily give up power once they have it.

In the meantime, I am disappointed in McCain's position on global warming, now termed "climate change" since not much warming is happening. Here is Investor's Business Dailey's comments about McCain's global warming speech this week.

“After the coldest April in 11 years, John McCain offers a ‘market friendly’ approach to global warming—saying we ‘have a genius for adapting, solving problems.’ But shouldn’t the problems be real?...[W]e were disappointed when, at an Oregon wind turbine manufacturer on Monday, [McCain] seemed to embrace the shaky environmentalist position on global warming. Saying the costs of our reliance on fossil fuels ‘have added up now in the atmosphere, in the oceans and all across the natural world,’ he proposed that by 2050, the U.S. should reduce CO2 emissions to a level 60% below that emitted in 1990. The question is, why? Cold water was thrown on the climate-change disaster hypothesis by the National Climate Data Center’s recent announcement that last month was the coldest April in more than a decade and the 29th coolest since record keeping began 114 years ago. The average temperature was 1 degree cooler than the average April temperature of the entire 20th century. A few weeks ago, as North America was emerging from one of its coldest and snowiest winters in decades, the climate center issued a statement saying that snow cover on the Eurasian land mass had been the most extensive ever recorded, and that this March had been only the 63rd warmest since 1895. On April 24, the World Wildlife Fund published a study, based on last September’s data, showing that Arctic ice had shrunk from 13 million square kilometers to just 3 million. What the WWF omitted was that by March the Arctic ice had recovered to 14 million square kilometers and that the ice cover around the Bering Strait and Alaska was at the highest level ever recorded... We were pleased that McCain endorsed nuclear power as a pollution-free source of energy that can help us toward energy independence while reducing emissions. But the fact is that we will need more energy, not less, by 2050, from all sources. Both economic and technological growth will demand more... Global warming is debatable, both as to its causes and its effects. By taking the lead on domestic energy, McCain could help solve a real problem and make a clear distinction between himself and his head-in-the-tundra opponents.” —Investor’s Business Daily


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