Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Here from "coyote blog" is an example of how Obama will invest in "green industries."

Trough Leader
Holman Jenkins argues that despite the fact that GM's all-electric car the Volt will likely lose money on every sale, GM knows exactly what it is doing with this program. The main customer, apparently, is not the end consumer, but the government. GM is betting that an Obama, beholden in his new presidency to unions and environmentalists, will be open to a massive government subsidy of the US auto industry. The Volt program may be part of a plan to buff up GM's attractiveness at the government trough:

GM executives are not nuts. They justify the costs and risks of the Volt as a way of changing GM's image in the minds of consumers and politicians. To commit a pun, the Volt is GM's vehicle for making a bailout of GM politically acceptable.

The company has already started signaling it expects Washington to provide a whopping $7,000 tax credit to Volt purchasers. In Europe and the U.S., under whatever fuel economy and emissions regulations prevail, GM also expects special favoritism for the Volt. The goal is to re-enact the flex-fuel hoax, in which GM receives extra credit for making cars that can burn 85% ethanol, even if they never see a drop of such fuel.

CEO Rick Wagoner last week laid out the case to Barack Obama personally for turning GM into a ward of the state, by way of direct and indirect subsidies to support a transition to "alternative" fuel vehicles. GM has done yeoman's work getting its structural costs (i.e., labor) in line, but shareholders should note that a big part of the company's turnaround gamble consists also of eliciting favor once again from Washington after a period in which the domestic auto makers were nothing but whipping boys on Capitol Hill.

Most industry CEO's are not dogmatic and do not believe in much of anything. They are out to make a fortune for themselves (and for their stockholders if it is convenient). They are rent seekers pure and simple, and will happily join with a fascist political leader if it keeps them in their high paying job. GM may not be able to compete in the capitalist world, but government can make them a success in the socialist world whether they perform or not. The best approach for the world if for GM to go out of business if they are not clever enough to compete for business successfully. I recall GM fired DeLorean for saying in a speech that GM had never tried to make a small, high quality, inexpensive car. The GM mindset was that people should buy whatever they produced. People wonder why so many in industry support Obama. It is no mystery to me: the rent seekers go for those who want government to control everything.


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