Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, July 04, 2008

There are a lot of scientists around the world who don't agree with he global warming hypothesis. Here is an example (I lifted this from Greenie Watch):

Jack Welsh, the famous ex-CEO of GE doesn't agree with the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming hypothesis, or, one would presume, with the rent-seeking strategy of his successor at GE:

In the article Pat Buchanan points out that the AGW supporters hope to achieve what socialism failed at, namely, the destruction of capitalism. (Capitalism, of course, is actually just individual liberty.)

One reason a lot of thoughtful people question the global warming hypothesis is because the use of short-term climate effects to promote panic. One example is the claim that the Greenland ice sheet is sliding into the sea, thus about to create a catastrophic rise in sea level (I heard Obama claim that if he elected President this will not happen; a good bet since it won't happen in any event). Here is a paper that shows that 17 years of observation shows that while the ice sheet velocity varies a lot, over time it has actually slowed. Once again, it is shown that the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming believers were unnecessarily alarmist.


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