Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, February 15, 2008

One reason that all politicians have friendships with unsavory characters is that the promoters seek them out, and give them money, and stroke their ego's. Politicians have huge ego's so it is hard for them to resist. It is hard to think of a successful politician who has not had an important supporter with a bad reputation. Almost all politicians have made money from some sort of cozy business deal. President Bush made a lot of money out of his association with the Texas Rangers. There was nothing illegal involved, but it is doubtful that he would have gotten the job if he hadn't been the President's son. Al Gore got an incredibly good deal on a mine, that made him rich. Again he only got it because he was Senator Gore's son. Politicians who are not already rich and whose families are not in politics have fewer options, and usually wind up in dealings with shady characters.


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