Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Barack Obama campaign is a curious phenomena to me. I have watched him speak, and he is not that good in my opinion. He just goes through some platitiudes, and he paints a picture of America that sounds like the Depression era that existed when I was a boy. He not negative about those who oppose him when giving a prepared speech. But, speaking extemporaneously he has a vicious, bitter tone. It makes me wonder if he has someone else writing his speeches. His proposed programs are definitely negative, and his proposed Patriot Corporation Act is straight out of Mussolini's fascist playbook. His followers sense a Messiah in him that I totally do not see. There is a definite "cult of personality." It is freightening that so many people in the country are susceptible to such a message. I suppose that is an explanation of how the Germans were entranced by Hitler. Obama's supporters chant "Yes we can, yes we can." It sort of reminds me of "Sieg Heil, Seig Heil."


Blogger Christopher Blosser said...

do you not yet BELIEVE???

5:39 PM  

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